Published May 3, 2004
On the Bounce with Coach Meyer
Jerry Meyer Recruiting Analyst
To the Next, Next Level
It is now official. Both J.R. Smith and Al Jefferson announced their intentions of entering the NBA draft at press conferences Monday. Neither player has signed with an agent, however.
On Top
Team Texas, the Dallas Mustangs Blue, Illinois Fire, and Boo Williams all won championships over the weekend. Austin Johnson and Terrel Harris led Team Texas with 23 and 21 points respectively in the championship game of their 17-under Qualifier. The Mustangs with the help of Rashad Woods won the Howard Pulley/Sabes Invitational. Behind the play of Tony Freeman, the Illinois Fire won the Spiece Run N Slam. Boo Williams took the crown at the Southern Invitational.
Down to Two, Decision Coming
With the signing of Ralph Mims, Florida State is no longer in the running for Juan Palacios. It is now between Louisville and Baylor, with a decision expected by Wednesday. Palacios has had difficulty making a decision, and those close to the situation have said that it would not be a surprise if Palacios delayed his decision even further.
Busy Week
Coaching staffs scrambled during the last week of the open period to visit prospects and extend scholarship offers. More in depth coverage will be forth coming from, but here are some quick tidbits.
George Drake picked up offers from UAB, Vanderbilt, and Mississippi State, along with the Alabama offer he already had.
Alex Ruoff picked up an offer from DePaul.
Courtney Fells picked up offers from Alabama, LSU, and Mississipi State after the Kingwood Classic. He already had offers from North Carolina State and Ole Miss. Expect more offers in the future.
Henry Dugat is reportedly down to Baylor and Texas and might make a decision soon.
Kansas visited Bobby Frasor this past week, and Duke visited Calvin Miles. It will be interesting to see what kind of inroads these heavy weight late comers can make.