football Edit

Singletary Hoping To Mend Injury

It was a frustrating week for Virginia bound point guard Sean Singletary at the ABCD camp in Teaneck, New Jersey. Singletary, who played only a few minutes of pool play, sat for most of the four-day competition period with a shoulder injury.
"I hurt it a while ago playing football," Singletary said. "Then at the Southern Invitational (in spring at University of Virginia) I hurt it again."
Despite the injury, Singletary continued to play at AAU events. Sean also competed at the Bob Gibbons tournament, an event he showed the first serious signs of the injury. "It was really hurting then," Singletary said. "I tried to play with it but it became too much this week."
Singletary, from Penn Charter High School in Pennsylvania, has no intention of playing football again. "No, that's over," he said. "It's just basketball now."
Singletary said he will now rest his shoulder for the month of July. "I could get back in August if it is better," he said. "If now, I will rest it more."
The Virginia staff was on hand a few days to show their support to Singletary. Virginia head coach Pete Gillen also was present the final couple of days at the ABCD camp. "I am looking forward to playing for Virginia," Singletary said. "They have a great style of play and like to run the ball. I feel I can help them out with what I can do out there."