football Edit

Rogers Will Take AZ Option

Chris Rodgers, a 6-4, 190 pound point/combo guard from Wilson H.S. in Portland, Ore., is on campus of Arizona right now and plans on staying on the campus no matter what the NCAA clearinghouse decides, according to sources close to Rodgers.
Rodgers, as of this posted story, did not qualify academically. He initially planned on looking at several prep school options. However, Rodgers did arrive on the Arizona campus and plans on waiting out the NCAA decision. If he is not qualified academically, Rodgers will be a prop 48 and attend classes and practices at Arizona.
Rodgers apparently has a 3.23 GPA but fell roughly 40 points shy of qualifying on his SAT score. As a partial qualifier, Rodgers would be able to practice with the team at Arizona, but would not be able to play during the 2002-2003 season.