Nathan Nixon, (number 54 in photo), a 6-9, 195 pound power forward/center from Bandera (TX) High School, has seen the recruiting interest picking up according to his father Dana.
"Nathan has had heavy contact with Boise State. All of a sudden the flood gates have opened. He gets three to four calls a night from D-1 to D-3 to NAIA schools," Mr. Nixon said.
Nixon, who averaged 14 points, 11 rebounds and four blocks per game as a junior, was on the Rice and Texas Tech campuses for Coach Wilson's and Coach Knight's basketball camps this sumer.
Among the other schools recruiting UTEP, Texas A&M-Corpus Christi, Hardin-Simmons (a Div. III school in Texas), Bethany College (an NAIA school in California) and Abilene-Christian (a Div. II school in Texas).
"Nathan is making some visits this month," added Mr. Lane. "The first is Bethany in Calf. And he also will make an unofficial to Abilene Christian."
Nixon is a good student with a 3.4 GPA. He scored 900 on the SAT. He told us earlier that he plans to major in business management. "My long range plans are to be certified by the PGA and then manage a golf course," he said.
Nixon said that his high school golf team has won the district championship in each of his three years. "I'm focusing on basketball," he added. "Golf is for the future."
Nixon can hit the outside shot and this season expects to take more shots from behind the arc. "I've been working on my inside scoring this summer;" he said. "On shots like the turnaround jumper near the hoop."
His family, like most who have kids heading to college, would like their son to stay in Texas. That has not ruled out Nathan's pursuing opportunites from schools in California.