football Edit

Cards offer Wallace

Austin Wallace, a 6-foot-9 220 lbs. PF from LaSalle HS in New York City, is building serious recruiting interest from his outstanding performance at the Reebok ABCD Camp earlier this month.
Rick Pitino's Louisville Cardinals are the latest school to offer a scholarship, but With some conditions attached. caught up with Wallace this weekend to get an updated list of schools and determine his plans for the rest of the month.
"Coach Pitino called and offered the other day," Wallace said. "But since they've committed all of their scholarships for this year, they want me to go to prep school first. Edgar Sosa is a real good friend and he wants me to go with him to Louisville. He's been recruiting me pretty hard."
Wallace has an offer from Providence to sign this year and report in the fall of 2006. Purdue, Georgetown, Georgia Tech, Connecticut, Rutgers, South Florida, and Syracuse are involved as well, and evaluating Wallace this month.
Since he's still only 16 years old, and won't have another birthday until November, the prep option is an attactive one for Wallace.
"I have a lot of good schools interested right now," he said. "It can only get better with another year to improve."
Wallace said that his favorites right now are Georgia Tech, Georgetown, and Purdue.
He plans to take a few visits later this summer, with an official visit to providence in the works, and an unofficial to Syracuse set for September 15. Purdue and Georgetown will also get visits at the end of the summer.
"I'm saving some visits for my prep year," Wallace said.
Last season he said he averaged 17 points, 14 rebounds, and 6 blocks per game. Already a terrific rebounder and defender, Wallace will need to continue to improve his footwork and overall offensive game around the basket.
Wallace is an excellent student with a score over 1200 on the old SAT test.
He'll travel the rest of the summer with the Gauchos AAU squad, playing in the Super Showcase and the AAU Nationals.