football Edit

Appel making a name for himself

Let's get this out of the way first. We all know Jayne Appel, right? Well, John Appel is not related to the former star center for Carondelet High who is headed to Stanford. While both are extremely tall (John is 6-foot-9, Jayne is 6-foot-4), they have the same last name, their first names sound similar, and both are very good at basketball, they are not related. In fact, they've never even met, despite the fact their schools are only 14 miles apart. John, the #11 ranked prospect in the region from Monte Vista High in Danville (Calif.), is busy making a name for himself.
With a GPA of 3.9 and 2050 out of a possible 2400 on the SAT, Appel could probably get into almost any college. Plus, he is an eagle scout to boot. The list of colleges he is considering is very impressive from an academic standpoint. Cornell, Claremont McKenna and Rice are among the most elite schools in the entire country and are actively recruiting Appel to play basketball. Appel is also considering Biola. (Author's note to Biola coaching staff: call Appel as soon as possible.)
Though his favorites are the four aforementioned schools, Appel says they are in no particular order at this time. "I am still trying to figure out what I want to do. I am not making my decision solely on basketball." Appel, who would like to be an engineering major, continues, "The location of the school doesn't matter. I do want to make sure that I go someplace with good academics. And a competitive basketball team. I don't care if it's a division I school or a division III school, I just want to play for a competitive basketball team."
He has not taken any official visits, but Appel, who used to live in Houston (where Rice is located), has visited the Rice campus. He is also planning to take an unofficial visit to Claremont McKenna in the next few weeks.
Does Appel try to model his game after anyone in particular? Well, being that he is from Houston, Appel idolizes Hakeem Olajuwon. "I love watching tapes of Olajuwon. I like to try to practice some of his moves, especially his spin moves," said Appel.
Who is the best player he has ever played against? "Probably Drew Gordon (Archbishop Mitty, class of 2008)," said Appel. "He is the player that comes to mind that gave me the most trouble."
Monte Vista coach Bill Powers thinks we should see a different Appel this season than we have in seasons past. "John has never had to take on a lot of responsibility as far as statistics are concerned. The expectation this year, though, is that he is going to be a central figure on the team," said Powers. "I expect him to be a consistent scorer inside, and to be a difference-maker defensively. Sometimes our other defensive players are going to be able to gamble, knowing that John is behind them."
On what it's like to coach Appel, Powers responds, "John is willing to be coached. He is a very good teammate. He is a witty guy that lends a good perspective to the team. Sometimes, in a very serious moment, he will say something that brings levity to the situation. He helps us remember that basketball is not life or death."
Where will Appel end up next year? "With his height, he's going to attract some interest," said Powers. "He is a great passing center with some nice post moves. I could see him ending up at an Ivy League school."
With Appel and highly ranked guard Corey Higgins leading them, Monte Vista should be competitive next season. Regardless of what happens with basketball, though, it seems that Appel should do just fine with whatever path he chooses for his life. He is a very intelligent, well-spoken, level-headed young man.